Country Chinese Cresteds

Lewana & Ken Uselton

3735 S 1100 E

Greentown, IN 46936


Facts you should know about Chinese Cresteds


With each variety there is grooming. While the Crested is not the typical “shedding” breed, they will lose hair from breakage and/or during grooming. The hairless may need to be bathed more often to keep the skin clear, using lotions (without lanolin) to keep it supple, and sun block to avoid sun burns on the lighter colored Cresteds. Naturally, extreme temperatures should be taken into consideration with a hairless and clothing (without wool) is something the hairless enjoys. The powderpuff will also need routine bathing and brushing to maintain a healthy coat. Again, avoid products with lanolin as some Cresteds may have a reaction to it. Toy breeds are notorious for having poor teeth, but if you brush your Crested’s teeth regularly you can maintain good dental health. Toenails should be trimmed to a moderate length.
This is one of the video's I found on the net for grooming your crested.


Cresteds are considered hypoallergenic because they have hair not fur. To be “Hypoallergenic” is to have a decreased tendency to cause allergies. There is no such thing as a non-allergenic dog. Hypoallergenic dog breeds will still produce allergens, but because of their coat type will typically produce less than others. People with severe allergies or asthma need to spend time with any breed in order to determine if they will be affected.


The Chinese Crested can live up to 13-15 years or longer. They have very few health problems, but there are some health issues of which you should be aware and that is why we health test our breeding dogs.

PRA - Progressive Retinal Atrophy is a slow progressive hereditary disease which causes retinal dysplasia or degeneration. The age of onset of clinical signs varies, but the endpoint is blindness. Genetic testing can be done to detect the presence of one form of PRA known as prcd-PRA. Visit for more information about the disease and the available tests.

PLL - Primary Lens Luxation is a hereditary disease in Chinese Cresteds. It causes the lens of the eye to become partially dislocated (Lens Subluxation) or fully dislocated (Lens Luxation) from its normal position. This dislocation causes movement of the lens forward through the pupil or backwards into the Vitreous Chamber of the eye and requires immediate veterinary attention. The displaced lens may be removed to prevent painful secondary glaucoma, and sometimes loss of vision. Genetic testing is available to identify the genes that cause the disease.
Visit  l for more information about the disease and the available tests.

Patellar Luxation - The patella (kneecap) is a small bone which guards the knee joint. The patella sits in a grove in the femur, and is held in place by a combination of ligaments and muscles. This bone can slip out of position due to injury, poor alignment, weak ligaments, an insufficient groove in the femur. Generally, the dog will limp, carry the leg off the ground, or hop when running. If the problem is severe it can necessitate surgery. Patellar luxation can be either hereditary or due to injury. Cresteds should be examined by a veterinarian to ensure the patellas are properly placed before they are used in a breeding program or doing performance events.
Visit for more information  

Dry Eye is a condition caused by the lack of tear production. This can be due to lack of nerve stimulation of the tear glands, failure of the tear glands, or blockage of the ducts that carry the tears to the eyes. Full diagnosis can only be performed by a veterinarian to determine the cause. Treatment will be dependent on the cause and severity of the condition, but often involves using ointment and/or drops several times a day to keep the dog comfortable and to keep the cornea moist. Visit

Teeth – The hairless Crested may never develop full dentition and/or may lose some of their adult teeth. The genetic information for the dentition appears to be linked to the hairless gene. This causes the hairless to have short-rooted teeth which can be more easily lost. Regular cleaning and checkups by your veterinarian usually preserves the teeth for a longer period of time. Since the powderpuff doesn’t carry the hairless gene, they should have normal, full dentition.

Vaccines-Leptospirosis is an infectious disease which is readily passed to dogs through contact with urine from other animals infected with leptospirosis. Carriers of leptospirosis may be rodents, skunks, raccoons and other infected animals, including both dogs and people. Most small dogs are not exposed to the urine of wild animals and farm animals, so it is usually not a required vaccine.

I hope this information helps. Even if you don't buy a puppy from me, make sure the breeder does the correct testing so this will ensure a healthy puppy for you.

Country Chinese Cresteds
Ken & Lewana Uselton
3735 S 1100 E

Greentown, IN 46936